Filmmaker's Blog
Cretaceous Days: The Dinosaur Toy Photography of Stunt Kitty Films
Embark on an adventure that transcends time as we transport you back to the awe-inspiring era of the dinosaurs- capturing them as you've never seen them before in vivid detail against the backdrop of their natural environment. From towering Tyrannosaurus Rexes to graceful Triceratops, our photographs will ignite your imagination and reignite your childhood fascination.
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Sizing Up Our Dinosaur Collection Part 4: What Scale is the Iguanodon (1980) from Invicta Plastics Ltd.
The fourth in an occasional series in which I explore the scale of the miniature figures in our prehistoric animal collection.

Sizing Up Our Dinosaur Collection Part 3: What Scale is the Regaliceratops (2018) from Safari Ltd.
The third in an occasional series in which I explore the scale of the miniature figures in my prehistoric animal collection.

Sizing Up Our Dinosaur Collection Part 2: What Scale is the Dunkleosteus (2007) from Safari Ltd.
The second in an occasional series in which I explore the scale of the miniature figures in my prehistoric animal collection.