The latest news and updates on our groundbreaking projects- from captivating original video content to thought-provoking movie reviews, mind-blowing cosplay creations, and awe-inspiring toy dinosaur photography, we cover it all for you while providing an exclusive peek behind the curtains at the intricate details and craftsmanship that bring our entertaining visions to life. Enjoy!

"Too Far Afield" - An Albertosaurus threatens a young Edmontosaurus

Deb and Rob as 'Rose Sayer' and 'Charlie Allnutt' from the movie THE AFRICAN QUEEN

Deb and I as 'Rose' and 'Charlie' from the movie THE AFRICAN QUEEN - Halloween 2022

Join us as we share the process of bringing our characters to life, and discover the magic of crafting the perfect Halloween getup.

Allosaurus On The Prowl

Coelophysis Exposed

Mystery Dinosaur Unboxing - Green Standing Trex | Cretaceous Days: Dinosaur Toy Photography

Diabloceratops On A Stroll | Cretaceous Days: Dinosaur Toy Photography

Mystery Dinosaur Unboxing - Plesiosaurus | Cretaceous Days: Dinosaur Toy Photography

Lightning Strike | Cretaceous Days: Dinosaur Toy Photography

Deb and Rob as Oscar winning Director Jane Campion and Actor Sam Elliott for 2022 Oscar Party

Deb and I as 'Jane' and 'Sam' immortalizing their dust-up surrounding THE POWER OF THE DOG - Oscar Party 2022