Stunt Kitty Films Officially Announces Our New Web Series- The Portal

While we've previously mentioned we were working on a new project during the pandemic stay at home directive, we'd like to take the time now to officially announce Stunt Kitty Films' quarentine project and our biggest production yet...

While we've previously mentioned we were working on a new project during the pandemic stay at home directive, we'd like to take the time now to officially announce Stunt Kitty Films' quarentine project and our biggest production yet, an eight-part web series titled The Portal currently in post production. Debora is hard at work editing and with any luck we hope to premiere our work before the end of 2020.

The murder mystery about a woman who discovers a dead body while astral projecting stars Debora Roventini and her nephew Philip Faiss and features a talented group of friends who were generous enough to donate their time to our project.

Stay tuned for more information regarding the release schedule which we will share as soon as we receive it.

In the meantime, enjoy these behind the scene photos from our latest production.

Posted on 20-09-06 by Stunt Kitty Films in news, portal
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About Stunt Kitty Films

We've been making films off and on now for more than twenty years.

Have you watched one of our films recently?

Attack of the Baby Doll

One man's trash... is another man's nightmare!