Deb and Rob as 'Imperator Furiosa' and 'Max Rockatansky' from the movie MAD MAX: FURY ROAD

Deb and I as 'Imperator Furiosa' and 'Max Rockatansky' from the movie MAD MAX: FURY ROAD - Oscar Party 2016

Deb and I arrived at the party in 2016 separately, as Deb had been visiting with her girlfriends earlier in the day. She had to apply her makeup in her car parked in front of the guests home.

Deb's getup as 'Imperator Furiosa' from the movie MAD MAX: FURY ROAD for 2016 Oscar party

Deb's getup as 'Imperator Furiosa' from the movie MAD MAX: FURY ROAD for 2016 Oscar party

Rob's getup as 'Max Rockatansky' from the movie MAD MAX: FURY ROAD for 2016 Oscar party

Rob's getup as 'Max Rockatansky' from the movie MAD MAX: FURY ROAD for 2016 Oscar party

If I remember correctly, it was a last minute decision to dress up for our friend's 2016 Oscar party. Deb had an engagement earlier in the day and thought it would be too difficult to pull off. But we both loved Fury Road movie and I thought it was bound to be a big winner so I pushed for it until Deb finally agreed.

I spend the morning while Deb was with her friends fashioning a leg brace out of cardboard the best I could and dressed for the party. I arrived to the party early and will admit my entrance was a bit underwhelming, particularly since I don't think anyone at the party had even seen the movie.

Deb called soon after to say she was on her way. She had to apply her makeup in her car parked in front of the guests home. Needless to say her entrance was a bit more dramatic. All in all it was a good night with Mad Max: Fury Road winning six Oscars.

Posted on 16-02-28 by Stunt Kitty Films in cosplay
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